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Re: Whooping About Cranes
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 17:40:06
In Reply To: Whooping About Cranes posted by Jezzika on Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 14:31:54:

> There's been a lot of discussion about writing on this message board---does anyone here paint or draw? I have always loved painting, and have recently become inspired to paint a series to hang on the walls of the house my boyfriend and I just bought.
> Anyway, the one I'm working will include two cranes, or herons. My problem is that I cannot find any pictures of birds on the internet. I looked at Audobon Society sites, wildlife sites, and so on. No luck. I could go to the library, but I lent my card to (a reliable) someone and I won't be able to bring any books home.
> This post has two purposes---to remark on how the web, despite having sooooo much information, can have gaping holes, and to ask if anyone knows of a good internet resource for artists that's not just an online catalog for supplies.

Well, I am a bundle of pent-up creativity, and I used to draw and have done some painting in my time. Sadly, though, I haven't had time for either of those hobbies in years. (Well, no, I did some drawing last summer. But that's irrelevant.) Unfortunately, I can't help you with your internet supplies request. I hope it works out for you, though!

Don "Would be interested in seeing some finished works eventually" Monkey