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Re: Exciting Times on the Bus
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 13:48:21
In Reply To: Exciting Times on the Bus posted by Don the Monkeyman on Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 08:01:17:

When we left our hero,

> ...
> ...
> ...

And now, the thrilling conclusion...


I stood there, well aware of the implications of the situation. I looked at the empty seat, and I looked up. I met the REALLY cute girl's eyes.

This wasn't the first time I had met her eyes. It had happened before on a few occasions. Once or twice, I had seen interest; another time, amusement. This time, though, was unlike anything else.

The look in her eye was one that I can only describe as anticipation. There was a hint of invitation there as well. I have always prided myself on my ability to read the thoughts of others through their actions. Usually, though, I have my doubts. This time, there were none. In that moment, I knew without a doubt that she was expecting me to take that seat, and that she was looking forward to it.

I did not sit.

Why? The first reason that entered my mind was comfort. Not my own; I was thinking of the comfort of those who would be next to me. Two of the three people sitting on the left side were large people, and as a result, there was not much room left. I did not feel that it would be a good idea for me to wedge myself in there.

Was that the real reason?

I had others. I did not sit because I don't think I am ready yet. I don't think that I am far enough past my relationship with Amanda to answer the call that I saw in those eyes. I did not sit because I am afraid that even if I am ready, a new relationship would fall apart for the same reasons the one with Amanda did.

Fortunately for me, I have RinkWorks.

How is this relevant, you ask? Well, first of all, it lifts my spirits. I am not confident that the REALLY cute girl is Donfident, because she seems to be hesitant to ask me out (which is necessary to Donfidence), but I am feeling good enough about the whole thing to pursue it further. That's where my second bit of RinkWorks relevance comes into play: I got a good kick in the pants from Mousie earlier, and that will hopefully get me motivated enough to eliminate the need for true Donfidence. Where once, my idea of "pursuing the issue" would have been trying to catch the same bus every day and make more frequent eye contact, now it will have to go a bit further than that. If it doesn't, I will have to spend my days and nights in fear of the Mousassins who will surely be coming for me. :-)

I suppose now you're wondering how the story DID end. Well, after the moment of eye contact and the decision not to sit, it was not long before she pulled her Harry Potter book out of her bag (had I mentioned before that she often reads Harry Potter on the bus?) and read. At the main stop downtown, everyone else on the seat cleared out, and I took a seat near the middle left side of the bench. Someone else got on at that stop and sat down between us. As we pulled away from the stop, she put her book into her bag (as she always does just before my stop) and then watched me stand up and get off the bus when my stop arrived. (Well, OK, the last part is speculation on my part, but it sure feels as though she watches me every time.)

We did not make eye contact again after the one moment. I got the feeling that she was disappointed, maybe even a little hurt, by my decision not to sit. Do I regret my decision? No. But I will not react the same way next time. At the very least, I will talk to her. I would love to have somebody to talk to on the morning bus. You can also bet that after today, I will make a much greater effort to be on the Perfect Bus each day instead of letting things slide and catching the Other Bus most of the time. (The Other Bus is a story for anOther Day.)

I feel like this ending is very anti-climactic. I wish there was something more I could say to make it less so... As it is, though, this story has now passed into the hands of any who might type a reply, and into the hands of the future. Perhaps some time soon I will have something more to say. If I do, I will say it here first.

Don "Needs to work on his endings, he thinks" Monkey

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