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Re: Exciting Times on the Bus
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 12:40:18
In Reply To: Re: Exciting Times on the Bus posted by Mousie on Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 09:53:02:

> Let me just say, from the perspective of a girl who considers herself a little different from most girls in the single respect that I will often talk to someone first (blame it on my friendly midwestern upbringing): What in the H. E. Double Hockey Stick are you waiting for?? When will men finally understand that what most women want is for the man to be the man. Break the ice. Make the first conversation happen. Say *hello,* for heaven's sake. How can she possibly know you're interested, or even just a nice guy she can say Hi to if you take three years to *speak* to her? What in the world have you got to lose? At the very worst, unless you're a smelly, slimy toothed loser/stalker/freak, you have someone on the bus to talk to, who might save you a seat if she can, to smile and wave at first thing in the morning. At the very figure it out.
> Mou"little tolerance for shyness"sie

PHEW! What a rush! Sometimes I need a little kick in the pants like that. Well, I do have some reasons for hesitance, but I'll put those in the post with the end of the story. They don't count for much anyway. As for the rest, well, I usually smell OK, but my teeth are slimy sometimes... I suppose by now you really don't care about these trivial details, though, and you would REALLY like to hear the rest of the story. Be patient, I only have one more post I would like to reply to before I get to that. ;-)

Don "slimy toothed is a good description of the problem" Monkey

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