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Re: more dreams
Posted By: Quartz, on host
Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 02:14:38
In Reply To: more dreams posted by Faux Pas on Monday, February 12, 2001, at 06:23:27:

>That and when he gets up, he leaves half of his body sitting at the table. (The left side)


I usually dream a lot, sometimes three dreams in one night (I wake up at random hours in the night, go back to sleep, and dream about something else).

Most of my dreams involve large buildings. Like The Largest And Coolest Library In The World That Has Huge Halls You're Allowed To Rollar Blade In, The Largest And Coolest Bead Shop In The World That Has Everything A Jewelry Maker Would Want (I make jewelry, you see), and The Largest And Coolest House In The World That Is Located In Ireland. At least I think it was Ireland, since the huge lawn was very green (Ireland's the Emerald Isle, get it?).

Since I collect Barbie dolls, they show up in my dreams too. The other day I dreamed I was unpacking my Barbie dolls (when I was moving into The Large House In Ireland), and I'm positive none of those dolls really existed. That's too bad, because they were pretty cool looking too.

Last night I dreamed my parents bought yet another house (which confused me to no end, because we just bought The Large House In Ireland and a house in real life too), but it looked more like a sitcom set. Maybe it was, and I was starring in a sitcom. Anyway, the house used to be a trinket store or something, and the people who ran the store didn't want to leave, even though I tried to kick them out. Outside the window there was a advertisement for a movie theater that was playing Werewolf movies (the ad acctually moved and the werewolf on it raised his arms and howled and stuff). The fireplace in this new house worked, which made me happy because our fireplace is real life doesn't. And don't ask how a fireplace can't work, it's a long story.

In another dream I had, I was going to Action Hero School where Tom Selleck and Harrison Ford were the teachers. I was the only female student, but I was getting the highest grades. I still don't understand that one.

Qua "Makes jewelry. Collects Barbie dolls. Makes jewelry for Barbie dolls" rtz

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