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Re: Been thinking too much again.
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Monday, February 12, 2001, at 00:12:10
In Reply To: Been thinking too much again. posted by Sundragyn on Wednesday, January 24, 2001, at 09:14:47:

> I have this tendency to come up with weird ideas. Some of them are useless, some of them are pointless, some of them are useful but inapplicable. Listening to my history teacher drone on about Vietnam, my mind began to wander... I came up with an idea for world peace.
> Here it is: Stop making weapons. No more nukes, bombers, tanks, whatever. Okay? Simple, huh. Besides, it helps the economy of practically every single country in the world. =) Hang on, what do we do with the remainder of the weapons? Give the United Nations direct control of all the armies. Then, every time some little country, say, Iran, starts acting up, the UN can say, "Hold on there, Iran, if you try and invade Pakistan, we'll nuke you to the next side of tomorrow." How do you argue with an ultimatum like that? Where is the logic in invading Pakistan anyway, if the UN is just gonna blast you? "Okay, all you Israelis and all you Palestinians, listen up. If you can't share the frigging country and just live together happily like good little people, we'll bomb you. Get it?" I'm sure this would reduce the terrorism.
> There'd be a problem, of course, if the UN was being run by corrupt, namby-pamby panty-waists who would take bribes and not follow through on the their threats. Otherwise, I don't see how this could fail.
> Sundragyn.

An easier solution would be to kill everyone on Earth. After you do that, no one will bomb anyone else ever again.

-eric "A modest proposal" sleator
Sun 11 Feb A.D. 2001