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Re: Moaning and groaning about things beyond my control.
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Saturday, February 10, 2001, at 07:38:33
In Reply To: Re: Moaning and groaning about things beyond my control. posted by Don the Monkeyman on Saturday, February 10, 2001, at 03:15:17:

> Hey, maybe... Are you suggesting that maybe I just never got PAST the age of fifteen? I'm not leaping to deny it...
> Don "Not sure if he's being facetious or not anymore" Monkey

My problem is, I'm not sure I can even *remember* anymore what it was like to be fifteen.

I can recall a few of the facts of my fifteen-year-old existence, however. I'm an introvert, so I wasn't popular. I had a close circle of friends who I did everything with. It's strange; all my close friends were one year older than me and one class ahead of me in school. That changed once I got to college, but it was that way all through high school. I never really had any true friends in my own class, just acquaintences. I got a little depressed my senior year because all my really good friends had gone on to college.

But back to fifteen: I enjoyed a lot of extracurricular activities, but no sports. I was more into the cultural arts; I participated in orchestras and music camp, and I was involved in the musicals at school. I probably read a lot more back then. I never had a computer until college. I watched a lot more TV then than I do now.

All in all, it was a decent time of my life. Would I go back and do it over? Well, maybe the fun parts! I think typically the older one gets, the more one tends to look back on teenage years with nostalgia, forgetting about the troubling times and remembering the good ones. Your memory of it grows less accurate and more "rosy."

I don't know if my memories have helped you sort out your own feelings at all, but if not, I hope they've at least provided you with some interesting reading material.

Gri"will be fifteen times two in four more years! How is this POSSIBLE???"shny