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Re: Chemistry equilibria
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Friday, February 9, 2001, at 08:57:10
In Reply To: Re: Chemistry equilibria posted by Nyperold on Friday, February 9, 2001, at 08:42:27:

> > ...or "invisible to the naked eye" (I don't care if that one is three words)...
> Or, indeed, four... :)
> > Don "Gahalia = Ava = City_Of_Grove? I think I have this figured out now..." Monkey
> Nyperold

Um, yeah. I TYPED four. I think there must be a problem with your DNS filters. The quasi-number extrapolation would have displayed the tertiary ASCII string as an alternated binary code loop, causing my "four" to display as "three" on your screen. In layman's terms, text format numbers are reduced by zero. I'll bet that it'll happen again on this post.

Don "I may make dumb mistakes, but my lies to cover them up are BULLETPROOF. ;-)" Monkey