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Re: Don't do this
Posted By: dingdong, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2001, at 22:16:24
In Reply To: Don't do this posted by Ferrick on Wednesday, February 7, 2001, at 12:59:49:

> Two things you shouldn't do.
> Don't drown yourself by drinking too much...water. Yes, you can O.D. on water. I read a story a few years ago about a lady who was hiking in the Grand Canyon heeded the warnings to drink plenty of fluids but she took it to an extreme and brought a few gallons worth of di-hydrogen oxide to drink throughout the day. Unfortunately, she drank WAY more than she needed. With all the extra water in her body, her cells absorbed a lot of it to reach equilibrium with the outside environment and essentially drowned. With all that water, they weren't able to perform their normal functions. This is called water intoxication and is rare. You would need to drink a LOT of water in a short amount of time for it to happen. "An overdose of water overwhelms the body's cells, in part by diluting the electrolytes, sodium and potassium. This causes the cells to balloon up and disrupt normal body functioning. In the brain, swelling occurs, causing disorientation and even death."
> Also, it is possible to O.D. on caffeine! A friend of mine pulled an all nighter in college before a test and took a few No Doze pills and drank a few pots of coffee to keep awake. Her body did not like this and reacted violently. She had to be taken to the emergency room for treatment and can never have caffeine again because it is a risk to her heart.
> Two weird things, definitely. Don't freak out, though, these are extreme cases. And, yes, I know these sound like the usual internet hogwash and I'm as strong a skeptic as anyone, but I trust the sources on these. And you if you don't tell 13 friends about these, so what? You don't get free clothes, either way.
> Fer"moderation"rick

I've heard about a couple of teenagers who died from drinking too much water. They'd taken ecstasy and had heard that it dehydrated the body, so they drank way too much water.

I don't know if this is true, but it was on the news a couple of years ago, I think it was in England.

ding"water water everywhere"dong

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