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What a Wonderful Evening...
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2001, at 21:12:24

late to go into too much detail, so I'll make this short.

I just got back from a praise and worship night at my church. It was very emotional. There was a bunch of praise, and at the end of the night they handed out cards for people willing to save sex for marriage. A very close friend of mine was crying because (as she and I learned at youth group on Sunday), 65% of those Christian youths up there would not follow through with their commitment. Of course, anytime anyone cries it makes me feel like crying, so I stood there holding her hand throughout the entire prayer. I felt completely connected with everyone there and I felt an overwhelming sense of belonging that was indescribable. I have never felt such a true amount of love for people I don't even know in my entire life. My parents were there, and my mom got pretty emotional. In those two hours or so that the event lasted, I felt like suddenly I came together. I don't know how to explain's like everything clicked into place and made sense. It felt as though I'd been living behind a glass window, where I could see what life was, but I could never FEEL what life was. Today the glass window melted away, allowing me to feel alive. That's the only way I can think of to describe it. It was wonderful, and I will never forget this evening...ever.

~Den-"happy and content"Kara

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