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Re: I Got to Come Home Early Today
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Monday, February 5, 2001, at 14:45:37
In Reply To: I Got to Come Home Early Today posted by Grishny on Monday, February 5, 2001, at 14:28:56:

> But not for a very nice reason.
> Today was nicknamed "Black Monday" at the company I (used to) work for. Today the "restructuring" took place at HQ and one out of every fifth person went home unemployed.
> Here's how they did it. Nothing was said all morning long. Somehow, the news media got hold of the of my coworkers was interviewed by Channel 2 on her way in this morning, and of course she knew nothing and had a positive outlook for the interviewer.
> At 1:00, an email was sent to ALL corporate employees, informing us that the HQ restructuring was taking place today. There was no forewarning. I had heard a rumour Friday that this was taking place, so we were all a litle nervous this morning, but we weren't certain what it meant.
> Around 1:30, our dept. VP came in and summoned my manager to his office. Soon after he left, a woman came in with two large packing boxes, shut off his lights, and powered down his computer and locked it out. The process was soon repeated with my coworker (the same one who gave the interview this morning). During all this, I was frantically bringing up on my machine and printing out as many samples of my work for my portfolio as possible to take with me. I didn't get very far before they called me in.
> I guess this is how they do it in corporate America. It's not too much different from when I was laid off before, when I worked for a ministry. But at least I got a better severance deal.
> We were hoping that this wouldn't happen. We know that God is in control and that this didn't take Him by surprise. No doubt there is something much better already waiting for me out there...I just have to get busy finding it.
> Gri"ya might see me in RinkChat during the day more often for a while!"shny

How terrible! They didn't even let you do your own packing?? And all of your work for your portfolio is now gone? That is AWFUL! I can't even begin to imagine how you must have felt, although I would guess that it was a bit like being an innocent animal being led away to the slaughter.

At least you can spend some more time with your wife and son through all of this. I'm also wondering if wasn't best that you got out of the company now. A company that suddenly drops you without warning might be on very shaky ground.

Hang in there, Grish-knee. I'm sure this will be an unpleasant ordeal, but yes, you're not completely on your own. You've got God, your family, and us RinkyDinks on your side. I'm faily certain that I'm speaking for all of us when I say that we're here for you and we're pulling for you.

Ell"Your co-worker should call Channel 2. If I'm not mistaken, they would LOVE to interview her after she has been fired."myruh

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