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Speedball No More
Posted By: Sentry, on host
Date: Friday, February 2, 2001, at 17:17:22

As some of you may know, I have recently been growing unsatisfied with my RinkName of Speedball. I even considred trying to take Stephen's job of resident power hungry mad man, but I'm just not evil enough.

One name that I had been cosidering and have decided on was Sentry. The Sentry is a new Marvel Hero, who was writen to be an old hero. Wait a tick.









The Sentry was Marvel's Superman, 'The Golden Guardien of Good', the shinning symbol of all the best traits of human nature, the hero's hero, weilding the power of a 'million exploding suns' for the betterment of all.

The Sentry mini series holds that The Sentry actually appeared before The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, The Hulk, and the X-Men. He even taught and inspired them. But then something happend and he went away, and everyone forgot he had even existed, including himself. He lead a normal life, and a bad one at that, his marragie is strained and he has developed a fear of open spaces.

Then he remebered who he was, and what happened before started to happen again. What happend was The Void.

The Void was all The Sentry was not, for the Void was infact The Sentry, all his negative emotions, his anger and hate, give physical form. Everyone fears The Void, The Hulk, Spider-Man, Proffesor X, everyone. Last time he showed up he destroyed most of Manhatten, this time he started in Russia as a evil sentien Hurrican and worked his way west, traveling with the shadow of night, to face his opposit number, The Sentry in New York.

This was a very cool series, it managed to recon (reconstruct) marvel continutie, and yet not change anything. For at the end of the seires, to say the world, Bob Reynold (The Sentry) makes it so that everyone, including himself, forget The Sentry again, so that The Void will never return.

Sentry in the end of the series showed real heroism. Many superheroes have laid down their lives to protect the world, but they all got to die heroes, remebered for their sacrifice. The Sentry, who was loved the way Superman is loved, has been compleatly forgotten, even to himself. No one will remeber his sacrifice.

Sen'The Golden Guardien of Good'try

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