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Re: Coming Attractions
Posted By: Mousie, on host
Date: Thursday, February 1, 2001, at 09:33:35
In Reply To: Re: Coming Attractions posted by Kiki on Wednesday, January 31, 2001, at 18:30:04:

> > It's official. I'm going to Paris! Everything just seemed to come together at the right time, so as kind of a "we shouldn't live three thousand miles apart and struggle so hard to see each other" present, I'm taking my mother on a trip, via New York, to gay Paree. She's been, and loved it; I haven't, and really had no desire to, but like I said, it all came together, and I'm beyond thrilled.
> >
> Paris is really quite cool. My FAVORITEST part, though, was Sainte Chapelle. It's this little cathedral in the middle of Paris, and it's walls are completely stained glass. Here's my recommendation - they have concerts there every night for relatively cheap. Find out what concerts are going on while you're there. Get tickets for one that interests you that will be going on earlier in the evening (they have 2 a night). Go to it. We went to a concert of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, and it was amazing. The music was beautiful, and as the sun went down in the sky, it shone through the stained glass windows.... I lack words to decribe it. But don't miss it.
> Ki"of course, you don't have to listen to me"ki

Thank you! I'd never heard of it and I will definitely look for it!

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