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Re: I'm bored, so I shall babble.
Posted By: Sundragyn, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 16:36:23
In Reply To: Re: I'm bored, so I shall babble. posted by Quartz on Tuesday, January 30, 2001, at 11:19:05:

> I never know what the ending's going to be in my stories, but I usually have ideas, which spark other ideas, which in turn spark still more ideas, etc., until I think of the solution. I'm just...stuck. And my mind refuses to think of ideas for this story.

This is my brain when I'm working on a a story (the plot line I've made up is total on-the-spot nonsense, by the way):

A is the beginning.
B is the ending.
A to B, A to B.
Okay, here is this chick named Quartz. Quartz is cool. Quartz has a magic wand that allows her to read people's minds.
A to B, A to B.
Quartz discovers a website called Rinkworks.
A to B, A to B.
Quartz discovers that the evil people who run Rinkworks are trying to subvert the world to their own desires through web-based entertainment brainwashing.
A to B, A to B.
Quartz must stop Sam before it's too late!
A to B, A to B.
Well, that takes care of A. What about B?
Um. Quartz is thwarted, and Sam takes over the world!
(About here I begin to write the story)
Wait a minute. What happens in between A and B? Doh!

But good ideas will hit you anywhere. I still remember that I was in Value Village, bored out of my mind, when I decided that in order to get one of my characters out of a tight fix, I could make one of my other characters, intended to be a bad guy, actually be a good guy undercover. It worked, and the result produced one of my favourite characters. :) Don't give up.
