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Re: I beg to differ!
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Saturday, January 27, 2001, at 08:34:23
In Reply To: Re: I beg to differ! posted by Zoe on Saturday, January 27, 2001, at 01:32:56:

> To quote everyone I've ever met who's ever tried DP: "It tastes just like cough medicine. Only worse."
> Zo"my name lacks the letters to add an extra bit into it"e.

Dr Pepper is awful. Once my dad and I went to the movies and we asked for a root beer. My dad, on the way to the theater, took a sip of his. He stopped. "Does this taste like root beer to you?" he asked. I took a drink and it was AWFUL. I thought I was going to die from drinking radioactive waste. It turns out the guy behind the counter had given us Dr Pepper by mistake.

-eric "We had him arrested for attempted murder" slea"Of course 7up is the best, especially before they changed the taste a while ago"tor
Sat 27 Jan A.D. 2001