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Re: Science Fair
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 16:16:00
In Reply To: Re: Science Fair posted by eric sleator on Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 16:07:41:

> I quote the Coca-Cola website FAQ:
> "Comments like 'a tooth placed in a glass of Coke will disappear' are misleading. A tooth will not disappear if left in a glass of Coke. Actually, the 'tooth in Coke demonstration' in no way creates a real-life situation. The teeth in your mouth are alive, not dead. They're exposed to Coke for only a short amount of time rather than sitting for days in a glass of Coke. Any acidic beverage, including orange juice, would produce the same results. Your teeth are constantly bathed by saliva, which helps buffer the effects of acids from beverages and foods, greatly reducing any effect on tooth enamel. Finally, saliva contains minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus and fluoride, which replace any mineral loss from the tooth enamel."
> -eric "Of course, I still don't like cola" sleator
> Tue 23 Jan A.D. 2001

Hmm... I wonder if they say anything about the fact that Coke can cause ulcers... I'm too lazy to go and read the page myself (*grin*) but certainly, your stomach is not as tough as your teeth and does not have the benefit of short-term contact with the Coke...

Don "I drink Coke anyway, but not very often-- I once had a roommate who was ordered by his doctor to reduce his 4L per day Coke intake to nothing to prevent the already-forming ulcer from becoming a REAL problem-- and he still couldn't quit drinking it completely. Addictive stuff..." Monkey

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