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Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: Paul A., on host
Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 02:53:13
In Reply To: Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Sundragyn on Monday, January 22, 2001, at 09:43:12:

> I think, though, that it would really suck if I had that one unmentioned superpower that almost
> all comic book superheros have: The ability to live forever without aging. I mean, look at how
> long Superman has been around! He must be absolutely ancient.

*Technically*, Superman's not been around that long.
A couple of decades after he was created, when the problem first came up, DC Comics announced that all his adventures up to a certain point actually happened to a different Superman in an alternate universe, and that the Superman appearing in this week's issue was a different, younger Superman.
They've been using variations of the same excuse for all their big heroes ever since.

But I see what you mean. :)

> I mean, sure, it'd be cool for a while, but I really wouldn't want to live forever. All my
> friends and family would die off, and I'd get lonely and depressed

When you think about it, though, this shows it's *not* a superpower -- it's not just Superman that doesn't age, it's also Lois and Jimmy and Perry and Clark's parents and...

So it's not an individual power, it's some aspect of the way time flows in the world where they live.
But we knew that already. :o)


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