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When is (was) Stupid Day?
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, January 22, 2001, at 14:06:22

I missed something. When is (was) Stupid Day? After I posted and then re-read my last post(That was Stupid. I should have re-read it and then posted it.)about Cookies, I realized that it would have made a good Stupid Day post. I do Stupid things on a computer. Like that time back when I was still Stupid enough to work for a living. I had just typed several page into the old 640K IBM. Then I tried to print it out. No paper! Did that stop it? No, the old dot matrix just started screaming as it always did when it printed, but with no paper. The only way I could stop it was to turn it off. But I turned off the CPU instead. Had I saved the document I was working on? No. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!!!
to paraphrase that little song from "The Red Mill:"* Every day is Stupid day with me.
*"The Red Mill" is a musical play that includes a song by the leading character(a ladies man) called "Every Day is Ladies Day with Me."