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Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 23:15:38
In Reply To: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Quartz on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:43:47:

> Here's a little survey for you: What super
> powers would you like to have?

I would want the ability to mess with time. Forward, backward, pause, the works. I'd mostly use it to give myself more time in the day (go back in time to sleep the whole day at home while I'm, at the same time, at school and am also eating breakfast while Rinking. I could also use the pausy thing to, say, get up from the pew during church to go to the bathroom without blocking anyone's view or disturbing anyone. I could, eventually, fine-tune these crafts to the point where I am an expert and could do everything completely undetected.

I wonder what effects it could have on my body, though.

Someone (I think it was Den-Kara) mentioned mind-reading. Mind-readers are, to me, the scariest things in the world. Forget vampires, forget werewolves, forget mummies. People who can read minds and always know what's going on in my head are the most menacing and intimidating concept I can think of. There are things I don't want anyone to know, things I think about, things I do, things that would close to kill me if someone were to find out. And DON'T try to tell me that a mind-reader would use his powers for good. That's how it would start out, maybe, but he would doubtlessly end up using it for evil purposes, or maybe just to feed his maniacal little hungers. The thought of anyone knowing exactly what I'm thinking chills me. I sometimes wonder if people around me can read my thoughts. It's frightening.

-eric " Alt+0160 " sleator
Sun 21 Jan A.D. 2001

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