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Re: "What not to do when it's 22 degrees outside" or, "My Stupid Day"
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 23:13:40
In Reply To: "What not to do when it's 22 degrees outside" or, "My Stupid Day" posted by Minamoon on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 17:32:49:

> Don't get a car wash.

Been there, done that. Although I haven't yet snapped the key in the lock, I *have* spent about 20 minutes working it gently back and forth, putting my hand to the lock, breathing on it--ANYTHING to try to get the stupid car to unlock SO I CAN GO HOME AND WARM UP.

So I can relate, somewhat. I've locked my keys in my car more times than I care to think about (it's why I carry a spare key in my wallet now) and I've also run out of gas about three or four times. All stupid things I do with my car.

So far, none of them have actually happened *on* Stupid Day, though.

-- Dave

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