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Re: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME).
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 15:43:54
In Reply To: Re: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME). posted by gabby on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 13:22:10:

> What should I call myself, who's rather middling socially? I don't avoid social situations, but I don't seek them out either. I love my friends, and I love being with them and having fun. I also love doing things alone. If I went by my peers' views of me, I think about half believe I'm popular and about half believe I'm an outcast.

Join the I try not to put myself into one social group or whatever. I'm just lil' ol' me. I prefer to be alone, but it's always nice to have people acknowledge your prescence and appreciate you...and wanna talk to you and listen to you and love you and hug you and be there for you and encourage you and smile at you and let you cry on their shoulder. Wooo, I got carried away. I don't think you're an outcast; you just kinda stay in your own little world sometimes. I tend to do the same thing, though. But anyways, I'm always afraid people will think I'm a loner or something because I'm so introverted and quiet. Few people have seen me bounce off the walls before, but I can be pretty loud and obnoxious...don't think I need to tell you that, though. LOL. I kinda "feed" off of other people's emotions...if someone cries, I cry. If someone is hyper, I get hyper. If someone is laughing, hey! DITTO! I'm laughing, too. LOL. I wish I was a little more outgoing, though...I'd probably have way more friends. BUT WAIT!!! It's not the QUANTITY of your friends that counts, it's the QUALITY, right? I betcha I can count my good friends on my fingers. GOOD friends being those I can talk to about anything. Oh! I guess that means you're my only friend in this world.
