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My Intricate and Inescapable Thoughts About Superpowers
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 15:32:15
In Reply To: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Quartz on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:43:47:

After thinking about your post for a good fifteen minutes or so, I have decided upon which superpower I wish I had...none.

Maybe I'm reading too much into this superpower thing, but I think I wouldn't like it once I had it. The "new" feeling of being able to jump from one place to another, to help sick people become well (that would be nice), or reading minds, might seem extremely great upon receiving them. However, how long would it take for that newness to wear off?

I think, even though I would try not to, I would become tempted to use my superpower for the wrong reasons. Obviously, having a superpower would be a great blessing, and I don't think I'd be able to use it the way it was meant to be used. For example, my immediate thought was mind reading. I thought, "Hey, yeah, that'd be nice. I could find out if so-and-so likes me," or, "I wonder what so-and-so wants for his/her birthday." With mind reading, I could find those things out, which would be nice at times. But I wouldn't want to know everything...having a superpower like that would be WAY too tempting.

For example, my finals were last Thursday and Friday, and some of them were quite challenging for me. If I had the ability to read minds, I could have delved into the mind of a smart classmate, gotten the answers I needed to the test, and aced the thing with kaleidoscopic colors. But that would have been WRONG. And what if I read someone's mind and found out something I REALLY didn't want to know...I won't say what, but I'm sure you'd hear some pretty inappropriate thoughts if you could read minds.

Next, the ability to heal people. I can understand how spifferific it'd be if I could make a dying person well again, but one person can only be in ONE place at ONE time, right? Who would I be to say, "Okay, there are two people dying in this hospital at this very moment. One person is a seven-year-old child with his entire life ahead of him, and the other person is a member of my own family. Hmm, who to save?" I would NOT be able to deal with that kind of pressure...what I was getting at is this...who would I be to decide who to save and who not to? No matter who I chose, I'd still be tearing myself apart inside as I thought, "If I only I could've saved them both..."

I think Don mentioned teleporation. I doubt I'd like that very much. If I was running late, it would definitely come in doubt about that. But you only live on this earth once, so why hurry around so much? I don't know about the rest of you, but I personally enjoy looking out vehicle windows, taking in the scenery around me. Whether I'm looking at beautifully rolling hills and baby deer or whether I'm looking at children riding around on those annoying Razor scooters at an intersection doesn't matter to me...I LOVE observing people and things. If I could teleport myself places, I wouldn't be able to look at the world around me.

Hmm...anyway, I could keep going on, but I think I've gotten my point across. :)

~Den-"normal, non-superhero-ish me"Kara