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Re: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME).
Posted By: flyingcats, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 12:27:22
In Reply To: The nature of Quartz (or, introducing ME). posted by Quartz (it's Quartz now) on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:30:13:

> Ahem. Hello. My nickname currently is Quartz, but knowing me I'm bound to change my mind several hundred times. Just TRY to keep up with me, I dare you. :^)

I'll try...but I have enough trouble keeping up with non-switching names and who they all are.

> I didn't put my e-mail addy in my posts at first, because I wanted to see what kind of a welcome I would get (embarrassed grin). But now I posted it above, and I love getting mail, so e-mail me to your little hearts' content.

Email! I love email. And hardly ever get it, either.

> I'm female, 15 years old, homeschooled (which means I have school at home). I'm not going to tell you me real name beause I don't wanna and I like to be mysterious. I'm about 5 foot 3 inches, with brown hair parted in the middle and usually in a bun, blue eyes and black oval glasses, and I like to wear wildy-colored T-shirts (Kiwi Green is one of my favorites).

Wooooooooooo hooooooooooo hooooooooooo!
ANOTHER shortie! *nudges Ayako and Elli*
What's with short people around here? Isn't anyone tall?

> I'm a writer, artist, Fashion doll collector, computer geek, just plain geek, and an insane but lovable girl genius. But mostly a writer. :^)

I think practically everyone here is a writer. Especially if we all post on the forum...that's writing, isn't it?

> Oh yeah, and I like the Three Stooges.

Yay! Me too! What about Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, and the Marx Bros.?

> My favorite author of all time (next to myself): P.G. Wodehouse. And then C.S. Lewis.

Yeah, like I said, I don't know who P.G. is. But C.S. is great.

> BEWARE: Teenager-type puberty ramblings ahead:
> I am a geek, and I wear that title with pride. I hate doing "popular" stuff. I'm not going to be change my VERY BEING because of the whims of some doofus who doesn't even know who P. G. Wodehouse is. A pox on them, I say.

I like what Nyp said. "Also not a do-what's-popular kind of person"...that's how I think of myself, most of the time.

> Well...I guess that's about all. If you have any questions, like what my favorite color is (purple) or my favorite food (pasta alfredo), or my favorite painters (Da Vinci and Bosch), or what music I listen to (Jazz and CCM), or if I have any pets (a cat named Asher, which is the name of one of Joseph's brother from the Bible), feel free to ask.

*flyingcats HUGS Asher!
Yay yay yay!

-fly"we like kitties around here"ing"'specially me"cats

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