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Re: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes).
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 10:37:25
In Reply To: I just thought of something (I do that sometimes). posted by Quartz on Sunday, January 21, 2001, at 05:43:47:

> I wish I had super powers. I want the ability to fly, super strengh, mind reading AND control, and a bullet-proof body. And I would be imprevious to everything except bad breath. I mostly want the ability to fly, but it could get chilly up there. I'd have to wear a sweater.
> The only problem is, if I had ANY powers everybody would expect me to use them for the benefit of all mankind, and that's no good because I want them for MYSELF. Then again, maybe I could become a villain. They have cooler looking costumes, after all. And they get to laugh those great evil laughs (at which I'm really good). But they always lose, so never mind.
> Here's a little survey for you: What super powers would you like to have? Besides what I wrote above I want a body like Wonder Woman, LOL. Only my costume wouldn't be as skimpy. She must catch colds a lot.
> ~~*Q*~~

I haven't had the chance to respond to one of your posts yet (other people keep saying EVERYTHING I would have said before I get a chance to) so I'm going to jump on this one, since no one else has yet.

First, and totally unrealted to your post, I would like to say that I think it is GREAT that you have started posting. I love everything you have said so far. Despite the eight years of age and six inches of height that separate us, I feel like I understand you very well. I feel that way about a lot of people here, and that's why I love it SO much! If you haven't already, I hope you catch the RinkChat bug soon, so I can converse with you more directly some time. :-)

In response to the super powers thing: I want teleportation for myself. Nothing bothers me more than losing time in TRANSIT from A to B. If I could teleport everywhere, that would free up HOURS of my time. I'd see my family pretty much every day and I'd shave off nearly an hour of busing each work day, to name a couple of the benefits. Beyond that, though, I would just want super powers that would help me to serve God best. I know it may sound weird, but it's really true-- I still have a hard time reconciling that kind of thinking with my self-image, but I'm not complaining.

I would talk in more detail, but I still have a lot to do today. I have a lot of energy for some reason... I think it may have been the awesome church service this morning, or maybe the euphoria of knowing that today is Stupid Day...

Don "Excited and Disjointed" Monkey