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For you Dialectizer fans out there...
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Monday, January 15, 2001, at 06:24:47

Brunching Shuttlecocks has a feature that translates all the slang drug terms (according to the White House Drug Policy web site) into straightforward English.

I was shocked! Shocked to learn that Rinkworks has such sections as "It's a crack cocaine, crack cocaine, crack cocaine, crack cocaine movie" and "Don't throw a crack cocaine straight up".

Just how do explain the blurb on the Site Guide page? "Really Crack Cocaine Jokes: A great resource for those who want to get other people to smoke marijuana them." or "EquiWorks: Crack cocaine horses? Crack cocaine model horses? Browse the photo galleries of a model heroin aficionado and tack maker extraordinaire."

-Faux "didn't know Leen was into heroin" Pas

Link: Drug Slanger