Nyperold, on host
Friday, January 12, 2001, at 02:18:04
(Dream + Terminology)
As we've been talking about dreams, I've been reminded of a couple of terms I've coined, and I'd like to know the real terms, if anyone else knows.
The words are:
Conscious-subconscious - The part of me that makes decisions, like my real conscious does when I'm awake.
Sub-subconscious - The part of me that conjures up the dreamscape and its "inhabitants", all those things I'd never think of including(as well as things I wouldn't want to include) if I decided to include them. This is analogous to God(if I'm right about His existance) and the will of everything that has a will, and probably some other things.
Nyper"Yes, I'm really posting at quarter after five; I got up too early to do much and too late to go back to sleep"old