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Re: reading in dreams
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Thursday, January 11, 2001, at 06:23:09
In Reply To: Re: reading in dreams posted by Wolfspirit on Thursday, January 11, 2001, at 00:11:25:

> Yeah, it does. Unless the dream causes me to have already pre-memorized the text by previously "knowing" what it's supposed to read as, the text always mutates during a second reading. I think Darien once claimed that he has no problem flipping back and forth at will in a book and reading the text *consistently* inside a dream, but I don't believe him. That's just impossible. :-)

I've never done it with a dream-book, but no text in dreams - when I can read it - ever changes for me. The last two I recall seeing twice were a label on a medicine bottle and a menu at a restaurant with ridiculous prices, neither of which changed... Most of the time it seems to say something perfectly rational that when I wake up makes no sense whatsoever, but I've never had it change... *that* would be cool. But mine aren't lucid, anyhow, though I've tried techniques to encourage them - I don't realize I'm dreaming until I wake up, and have no control over them.

-Fob"has only had one lucid dream in her life, years ago, and there was no text involved"ulis