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Re: Dream Stories
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2001, at 08:44:38
In Reply To: Dream Stories posted by Sundragyn on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 19:35:02:

> My dreams are either:
> (A) Going to school, band, work, a friend's, whatever, although often with a weird twist. Like once I dreamt I was skipping school (which is a totally uncharacteristic thing for me to do), and another time I dreamt everyone was dropping out of the band and there were only 6 people left, some of whom don't even play instrument for real, and still another time I dreamt I was walking around school on stilts (although I didn't seem taller than anyone) with a big trenchcoat on and underneath my coat was a flock of hummingbirds... Once there was an overhead projector in my bedroom.
> or, more often...
> (B) Bizarre stories with complicated plot lines, in which I'm not even myself, seeming (as someone else on here has mentioned) to be watching myself in the third person and the first person at the same time. I've even changed gender in these dreams. Or species. :) Some of them are based on pop culture (trust me, you haven't lived until you've gone for a ride in Anakin Skywalker's podracer!!!) but a lot of them are totally new. Once, I was a poor peasant girl in a semi-modern kingdom, who took a job in an art museum to help support her cranberry farming family. There I met the two princes of the kingdom... a lot of stuff happened, which is just too complicated to go into, but in the end, I had to flee for my life and I ended up trying to survive by catching sea horses for the local seafood restaurant. I've also dreamt some really wonderful poems, although they never seem to be the same twice, and I can't remember them very well when I wake up.
> The strangest thing I've noticed about my dreams when compared to other people's is that they're very, very vivid. I have the most amazing visual scenes sometimes (like nuclear explosions!!!), very realistic sounds (music, sometimes), present and accurate, if somewhat muted tastes (mmmm, pass the imaginary lemon meringue pie, please. And I'll have some chocolate, too), and even touch. I've never known anyone else to have a *painful* dream, but sometimes when I fall in my dreams, I feel it. I hate that, but I've also felt water and sand and lovely things like that. The only sense I rarely use in my dreams is the sense of smell...
> Does anyone else have painful dreams or am I just weird?
> Sun"although pinching in my dreams never really hurts"dragyn.

I once had a dream where someone set my finger on fire. It didn't hurt as much as you'd expect it to, but I still felt pain.

-eric "never smelt or tasted in dreams, though" sleator
Wed 10 Jan A.D. 2001