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Re: Dream Journals--plus a spooky prophetic dream!
Posted By: Mia, on host
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 14:20:37
In Reply To: Re: Dream Journals--plus a spooky prophetic dream! posted by Sam on Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 11:49:58:

> > I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but I often dream in words. I think it has something to do with the fact that when I make up stories, I think of the WORDS I would use to describe it, and not necessarily the pictures. I also think in words. Does this happen to anyone else? And is it the same thing as reading in a dream?
> The best dreams I have ever had are the ones that stem from the storytelling side of me. I don't dream them in words, even though I'm a very word-oriented person, but actually I'm simultaneously a very image-oriented person, so conclude what you will. At any rate, in such dreams, I am both the storyteller and the protagonist. I am IN the perilous situations protagonists of adventure stories are in, and I'm scared out of my mind. At the same time, I am the storyteller and have a degree of control over events that occur. "I" don't tend to introduce plot elements myself, but once I'm battling a badguy while holding onto the edge of a cliff with my hands, the storyteller part of me has a certain degree of control over how it all ensues. So there's a curious conflict of interest: I'm in a perilous situation, scared, and fighting to survive; I'm also actively TRYING to make as exciting a story as I can, and so letting things progress to the brink of disaster before allowing things to turn out right. It's a very strange blend of control and lack thereof.

Oh, that isn't to say I NEVER dream in pictures. In fact, MOST of the time I DO dream in pictures. But I also dream in words. It's strange. And I've done the same thing that you describe here. I have some control over what is going to happen, but I'm also excited/scared at the same time, and I usually don't KNOW what is going to happen until it does. It's a strange feeling, and it's really hard to explain...

Mi" I will stop trying"a