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Re: Rant Files
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 22:22:16
In Reply To: Re: Rant Files posted by Dagmar on Saturday, January 6, 2001, at 07:40:33:

> Yep, I've got dozens of those little things strewn about my hard drives and floppy disks, delightful little files. I also save titilating chat transcripts and scrumptous e-mail exchanges. I have so many of these .txt files that I can't remember what each one is on about until I open it, and then what delight! What pleasure! A surprise around every pathname!
> Keep those gems, they'll be worth something (to you) someday! I only delete the incriminating ones.
> Best,
> Dagmar

I don't even delete the incriminating ones! Rants and musings and poems and EMails and chats...

Especially EMails, though, for me. It's better than a diary. What was I thinking, feeling, what caught my attention? The things that are worth pointing out to tell people are usually the ones I most want to remember. And I have two large boxes of old papers I've saved... programs, notes, letters, bulletins... anything and everything. I *love* going back through it.

-Fob"saves copies of particularly good Forum posts, too"ulis

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