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Re: Academic Challenge Fun
Posted By: Fobulis, on host
Date: Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 21:01:12
In Reply To: Re: Academic Challenge Fun posted by Fobulis on Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 20:50:41:

> > > When we're losing and we have no idea how to answer and no way of winning, we get very silly and answer with hilarious, stupid, or nonsensical answers ("Vanilla Ice" seemed for some reason to be a popular answer for "who" questions among J.V. and Varsity last year). Our matches start in February and we're in training now.
> >
> > When I'm playing Trivial Pursuit, my favorite answer to "who" questions I don't know the answer to is "Marilyn Monroe".
> >
> > Trav"Actually, I've been right a couple of times!"holt.
> Our school academic team had either "Leon Trotsky" or "Pancho Villa" as the answer to questions we didn't know. We even named our new buzzer system (yes, we named the buzzer system! The old one was Big Bertha) "Trotsky".
> -Fob"is going with two other alumni of the all-star team to watch a district meet tomorrow... the a-team homecoming game?"ulis

Oh, yeah, and the best answer I ever heard at a meet, in response to "What's the highest mountain in the world?" - it was asked with a lot of distractors at the beginning, but that's what it ended up being...

"Mount Rushmore!" ::pause:: "D'oh!" He, his team, and everyone in the room cracked up.

He was obviously mortified but took the embarrassment with such good grace I was moved to tell him so after the meet. Had some nice conversations with him for the rest of that year.

-Fob"he was also the sort of geek who would reply to his own post"ulis