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Re: pink houses
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, January 7, 2001, at 08:47:21
In Reply To: Re: pink houses posted by Wolfspirit on Saturday, January 6, 2001, at 21:56:42:

> > > Yuck. In the interests of truth and the scientific method and all that, then, I'll change my original statement to "the CITY'S* only** black and orange*** house."
> > >
> > > *Auckland
> > > **As far as I have seen
> > > ***Exact shades may vary due to brand and batch number. To a decorator it might be Deepest Charcoal and Spanish Sunset, for all I know.
> > >
> > > Brunnen-"that bright pink concrete house with all the seashells stuck to the walls, where the kilt-wearing guy lives, now THAT'S another story"G
> >
> > In parts of Florida, pink house are fairly common and look almost normal.
> > Howard
> Depends on whether the structures you described as being common were "pink houses, painted that way," or "pink houses, built that way." If they're /painted/ pink, well, that's just wrong. :p
> Where I live, my most favoritest house on the island is this huge stone mansion built about 15 years ago out of polished, pink Italian(?) marble. Three stories high and entirely pink, and imposing in the way the White House in D.C. is imposing. It is taller than its own width, and the front entrance is flanked by two huge, but narrow, triangular pink colonnades; and then there's an enormous, black ironwork lantern hanging on an eight-foot chain from the center of the veranda's cupola ceiling. It's MAHvelous and I think I'd like to live there someday.
> In downtown Montreal, I recall McGill University owns a mansion (Hosmer House) with an ornate carved French facade. It too is built entirely out of orange-pink sandstone, and it's pretty conspicuous. Reminds me of those cute cute cute pink-and-orange dinosaur fossils I saw five years ago, in the Tyrell Museum in Drumheller. But now I'm just rambling.
> Oh yeah, and here's a current picture of another house of particular interest to me... with Dave standing in the driveway, and a certain computer hidden behind the window crossed by maple branches :-)

The bricks on my house are an even lighter red, so........... Oh No!!! I live in a pink house!
I guess the ghostly figure behind the car is Dave, and the picture was made in Florida last week.

Many of Florida's pink houses are stucco over concrete blocks with the tint in the stucco. But most are just painted pink. Next year they may be purple, blue, whatever.

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