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Adventures with The_Scotsman: Part II
Posted By: The_Scotsman, on host
Date: Friday, January 5, 2001, at 14:14:03


Regardless of my nephew's new revelation, the boys still manage to wake up the entire family at 6:30 in the morning (they got to bed late, obviously), and we make our way back to the Christmas tree (sans big gifts) for our traditional Christmas Morning rituals. My mom puts the breakfast in the oven (Boboli breakfast pizzas, this year), fixes us all hot chocolate, we say a prayer, and then together we read the Christmas story in Luke 2:1-20. Then, starting with the youngest and going to the oldest, we open presents, one at a time. Everyone enjoyed what they received this year, even my nephews. Good 'Ole Uncle The_Scotsman even managed to bail his parents out a little, as he kinda went overboard on his nephews this year, getting the older one TWO Lego sets that he had been wanting, and the younger one an electronic Super Poo-Chi dog that obeys his commands. The latter was by far the most expensive gift on said uncle's list this year, so I hope his nephew enjoys it. :)

I got my dad some fire bellows (his idea, not mine), and my sister got loads of appliances from various people for her as-yet-nonexistent apartment. She has more stuff for her place than I do, for pity's sake, and I actually HAVE an apartment! Her stuff is currently taking up one whole side of my parent's basement. But I'm not jealous. I am just going to make a point to be out of town come moving day. ;)

As for myself, my mom and I traded books this year: I got her "The Mark" and she got me the same book (apparently I was wrong on who had purchased the book for me on my previous post to the Message Forum). I did get her a little homemade gift basket to add a little element of suprise, though. The big gift for me was definately a DVD player for my television that I wasn't expecting at all. As a matter of fact, the gift was actually split up between three different people who each gave me different components. I actually opened a box from my older nephew first that contained an RF Modulator. It was one of those things that you feel like saying "just what I always wanted" through clenched teeth. Though after I examined the thing, I suspected what the big box in the corner might be. :) I also received the George Foreman grill that I had suggested for Christmas. So now I can make grilled chicken and watch movies on my sofa.

As a last minute thing, my parents promised my nephews a $50 shopping spree each to Toys R Us once we got to Kansas City. I think both boys were satisfied. We pretty much spent the rest of the day watching football games and videos, though that is also typical of Christmas Day in our household. One of the videos that we recieved from my mom's brother and his family was "Chicken Run". It is by the makers of the "Wallace and Grommit" series. It is great for those who like British humor, and I might say that I didn't think it was too bad myself. :)

(Check out Part III.)

-The_Scots"Crackers!!! We can't go to the moon without CRACKERS!!!"man