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Fountain of Donfident Women, or Elaborate Plot?
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Sunday, December 31, 2000, at 04:03:39

OK, this is just weird...

Some of you who have been in RinkChat in the last few days have heard me mention a "mystery girl" who contacted me through ICQ a few days ago. She simply said that she wanted to chat, and I agreed. We talked a bit on Friday night, got to know each other a little, and that was about it. According to her profile, she is close to my age, and she lives in a town less than an hour's drive from where I am. At first I thought that was kind of suspicious, but then realized that my location was listed in my profile, and that searching through the ICQ whitepages, she mave have picked me to chat with because of the geographical proximity. That's all fine. I did notice, however, looking through her profile, that there are several ways in which I thought we would be incompatible if she were Donfident. (Not that I should be thinking of these things so soon after coming out of my last relationship, but it's just natural, I suppose.) She asked if she could get a picture of me, and I don't really care about such things (I mean, what's she going to do with it?) so I sent her my grad pic (on the RinkChat regulars page for those who have seen it). She also sent me her picture. (This may sound irrelevant, but I'll get to the relevance.)

After chatting with this girl, I thought it might be worth updating my profile, so others could look at it and learn some basics about me from it. After all, I was able to use it to come to the conclusion that there might be some incompatibilities with me and the girl who contacted me. I did this earlier today, I believe. The odd thing is this: About twenty minutes ago, after coming back into my room after a /long/ talk with Jason (He's home and engaged! Yay!) I was contacted out of the blue by /another/ stranger through ICQ. She also requested that we chat, and I said I would, but was going to bed shortly. (It was 4:30 am here at the time, and being sick, I am a little worn out right now.) She also said that she needed to go to bed soon, and suggested that maybe we would chat some other time. I said sure. I also checked her profile. She /also/ lives near to me (in Edmonton, where Kaz! and [Spacebar] are from), is /also/ close to me in age, but unlike the last girl, her interests seemed much more compatible with mine. Now, again, I can explain this by saying that she may have selected me from the white pages /because/ of these things, but now I am faced with a more important question: Is it simply a coincidence that in the two or three years I have had ICQ, my ONLY two requests for random chat have both come from similar people, each seemingly tailored to my interests, and both within a span of about three days? Am I perhaps being too suspicious, or is there a possibility that someone is trying to play me for a fool by creating ICQ users and trying to get my attention? I talked to the first girl long enough to feel fairly confident that she is honest, but if someone were merely speaking as someone they know would, I could have easily been fooled... Is this just a symptom of an odd persecution complex? Either way, I am too smart to go overboard with either of these until I find out more about them... I guess right now I am simply looking for feedback and advice from the RinkPeanutGallery. :-)

Don "The Monkey'Any comments are appreciated, even if you want to make fun of my naivete ;-)'man" Jackson

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