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Re: The dingos next door have my baby!
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Saturday, December 30, 2000, at 22:03:50
In Reply To: Re: The dingos next door have my baby! posted by Howard on Friday, December 29, 2000, at 18:07:24:

> > Ok yesterday it was another sunny day, so I opened all the windows in my apartment. I then spent some time in front of the computer, and was so involved in talking about George Foreman grills or whatever that I didn't hear my cat climb the screen, bust out, and scamper away into the steaming jungle. She didn't come back all night, so this morning, on our way to work, Mike posted a "Lost Cat" sign next to our apartment complex' mailboxes.
> > Anyway, Mike gets home before me, and calls me right away to say that someone left a note on our door. It said, "We have your cat. [eek!] We are leaving for the weekend, but your cat is safe and is being taken care of. We will call you when we get back next week. Don't worry, your cat is happy, we are cat lovers. --E.E."
> > What is up with THAT??? "Don't worry"??? Freakin nutjobs! Why didn't they tell us where our cat is? I would understand a reluctance to give the cat back if she showed signs of abuse, but that darn cat lives better than I could ever hope to. If you found someone's kid running around, would you tell the parents, "We have little Don. He is being taken care of. Don't worry, we are monkey lovers. Call you next week."
> > --Jez"catless in colorado"zika
> I think it's somebody's idea of a cruel joke. Or maybe they are waiting for you to post a reward. Or maybe I don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about. However, I went through Colorado once and I think I missed the steaming jungle. Cats being cats, she will likely straggle home in a few days. Keep a can opener in the window.
> Howard

And be glad it wasn't a ransom note.

-eric "Leave forty dollars in the litter box . . . " sleator
Sat 30 Dec A.D. 2000