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Re: A question for those who consider themselves human.
Posted By: Dagmar, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 21:47:19
In Reply To: Re: A question for those who consider themselves human. posted by Jezzika on Wednesday, December 27, 2000, at 19:41:17:


> I eventually moved away, and have never been called "ugly" again. Now before this experience, I would laugh at an obese person or smirk at anyone wearing odd clothing. But after my seventh grade year, I never insulted anyone in that way again, as a joke or in anger.
> I think the difference is maturity and experience--that man has probably always been "popular", to use a high school term, and just hasn't had the real human experience.

This is probably the key...he looked just a couple years younger than myself. But while I will be OK, and you were OK, someone else, someday, who crosses his path, may be just on the edge of sanity, and one word from him and whoop, there she goes! And for what?

The rage dies, but the sadness is terrible. I feel so alone when I meet people like is good to read your thoughts.
