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Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Posted By: Stephen, on host
Date: Saturday, December 23, 2000, at 10:17:42

I saw "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," last night. This is a movie that I've been anticipating for some time, and that I nearly drove up to LA last week just to see a bit early (I live in San Diego, so this is a bit of a trip just for a movie). Quite frankly, I don't think I would've been too upset had I done so.

Beyond a doubt CT,HD is the best martial arts movie I've ever seen. People are calling it the best ever, and while I haven't seen enough to really be much of an authority on the genre I can still reccomend it whole-heartedly.

There was not a single action scene that did not leave me absolutely speechless. I can't even begin to describe them. In fact, I find myself at a loss to adequately describe most of the movie. How many martial arts movies conjure up terms like "beautiful" when you think about them?

As an aside, I saw the movie at 8:00 on a Friday night and the theater was completely packed. For a movie that was sub-titled. Even weirder was the fact that I didn't have to drive down to an art-house type theater; I saw it at an Edwards 18 Ultraplex kind of deal. The film has been making incredible amounts of money despite a very limited release so far, and it should be opening fairly wide. I definitely reccomend that everyone go see it.

Ste "Chow Yun-Fat gets added to my list of Supreme Ultra Cool People" phen

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