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Re: double clutching
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2000, at 15:05:06
In Reply To: double clutching posted by shadowfax on Wednesday, December 13, 2000, at 14:37:51:

> > I tend to heel-and-toe the brake and gas, especially when driving in snow. I do it without thinking. After 50 years or so, things like that become automatic. I also sometimes double clutch, which is not really necessary with modern transmissions, but it's habit. I have a Cushman Eagle with a two-speed crash box (unsnyn tranny)and a foot clutch. Shifting from low to high requires only a pause in neutral, but high back to low requires double clutching. A few Eagle riders, who haven't bothered to learn that, will always come to a complete stop, shift into low and then take off again. By then, double clutchers are already to the top of the hill.
> > Howard
> My lord, I didn't think ANYONE knew how to do that anymore. I thought I was the only one! I still double clutch too despite having a modern synchro tranny. Saves wear and tear on the synchros ;) Acutually, half the time i shift w/o the clutch, which is pretty easy to do if you know how to match revs correctly, but which you will chew up a tranny doing when you first learn how ;)

Well, go on, tell us how to do it! I've heard the term "double clutching" before and I've never found anyone who could tell me what it was, which annoys me, because I enjoy driving a manual transmission.

Brunnen-"automatics are boring"G

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