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Re: Hi there.
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Monday, December 11, 2000, at 15:48:16
In Reply To: Hi there. posted by syrinx on Monday, December 11, 2000, at 15:27:23:

> Hi. I guess I've started posting some, so I should introduce myself or something.


> My name is Kevin, I'm 18, and a first year computer science major at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Worcester, MA. I grew up in Ohio though (it's 'pop', not 'soda' :) ).

Thats all well and good. But whats your favorite?

> Often times I've told my friends that the only four things I do are computer, tv, guitar, sleep. Unfortunately, I do have to eat, and go to classes occasionally. And I don't actually watch that much TV... mostly just _Babylon 5_, stuff on Comedy Central, and CNN. I used to be a huge Star Trek fan, but I've cooled on that slightly, since Voyager isn't that great, and I've discovered B5 reruns. :)

I'm looking forward to the next Trek series myself. It looks like it will be set between the time period visited in 'First Contact' and the Original Series. A 'Birth of the Federation' series. But thats only maybe.

> Politically, I'm a conservative-leaning libertarian. Theologically, I'm an agnostic. Astrologially, my sign is Cancer.

Well I'm a Cancer, aa Liberal, and an agnostic. Don't worry, you'll fit in fine.

> Well that's about all. Oh. "Syrinx" is a reference to the Rush song "2112", one of the parts deals with the 'temples of Syrinx'. I looked up some stuff about it after I started using it... apparently 1) In Greek myth, Syrinx was a nymph that Pan chased around until she turned into a reed to escape him, and he made those pipes you always see him with out of her (oops, Syrinx is a female name, oh well) and 2) Birds don't have a larynx, they have a syrinx.

Cool, I'm named after a Marvel Superhero, one of the second stringer B-class guys.

> -syr "nymph and/or bird throat" inx

Speed'Kinetic Bouncing Goofball'ball

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