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Re: Canadian Election
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000, at 08:40:02
In Reply To: Canadian Election posted by Don on Monday, November 27, 2000, at 21:22:15:

> I was utterly shocked to find that nothing had been posted yet regarding the Canadian election which was today... In particular, I expected Spacebar to have something to say about it. Anyway, here's my comment to get the ball rolling.
> I found the election process to be very quick and easy. How quick? The span of time from when I left my house and when I got back to it was eight minutes (according to my roommate) or ten minutes (by my estimate). How easy?
> 1) Hand in my voter card.
> 2) Get them to fix my middle initial for future use in the permanent voters list.
> 3) Get my ballot.
> 4) Spend ten seconds pretending to come from Florida and trying to decipher the ballot.
> 5) Realize that there is a list of names on ONE side, perfectly lined up with a set of circles, and that the desired method of marking your choice is to mark an "X" in the appropriate circles with a pencil.
> 6) Realize that there is a pencil in the voting booth.
> 7) Pick up the pencil.
> 8) Mark my choice.
> 9) Resist the urge to steal the three inch HB pencil from the voting booth.
> 10) Return to the voting station with the completed ballot and put it into the box.
> 11) Go home.
> OK, that looks complicated, but I added a few (perhaps unneccesary) steps to my description. Seriously, though, getting to and from the polling station was harder than voting. I had to parallel park AND make a three-point turn, for cripes sake. (Not in the same maneuver. I'll have to try that sometime, though.) Anyway, I think ten minutes is my personal best for the amount of time taken to decide my country's future. I was also in a highly contested riding, so my vote should have meant something. I say should have, because when the results came in, the race was actually pretty one-sided. So my vote meant nothing. But at least I voted!
> I like rambling. Anyone else care to join me?
> Don

The elelction in the US needs to come down to a 67 county recount in Florida, with the count being done by a committee of Canadians. Even if they go for a run-off, it should include all 67 counties and again the counting should be done by uninterested and impartial Canadians. US citizens are so polarized, they could never do a fair and accurate count.
How"it's the only way"ard

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