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Re: Krispy Kreme
Posted By: Trip, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 11:55:27
In Reply To: Re: Holes posted by Speedball on Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 14:12:14:

> My family just moved to North Carolina over the summer, so that was when I had my first Krispy Kreme. It was an OK doughnut, but not 'THAT' good. BTW, do Krispy Kreme make Mapel Frosted doughnuts? Or is Duncan Doughnuts still the only place to get those taste treats?

Methinks you have never had the proper Krispy Kreme experience.

You must get the KK doughnuts just as they are coming out of the oven. (The stores have a red light signalling this event to customers.) Not that their doughnuts aren't still tasty after they've been sitting around for a little bit, but Krispy Kreme glazed, hot out of the oven, is the nectar of the gods. Two years ago, I watched several people try hot KK donuts for the first time, and their eyes just about popped out of their heads as they mumbled things like "" and crammed more into their faces.

Alas, the only doughnut place near me is a Dunkin' Donuts, and even that one is currently closed for repairs. But when I do go on a "doughnut run", maybe once every two months (hey, I'm trying to eat better), I usually get some subset of glazed, chocolate or double chocolate, Bavarian creme, Boston creme, and French cruller. So can't help you in your decision there, Sam, sorry.

-- Trip

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