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Re: My Philosophy of Education
Posted By: Speedball, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 10:19:10
In Reply To: Re: My Philosophy of Education posted by Don the Monkeyman on Wednesday, November 15, 2000, at 09:58:44:

> > This is a paper I wrote from my Education class. Thought it might be of intrest. The quote at front is from a song, but I can't remember the title or the preformer. It is about education, and how certain teachers and school systems can kill a students creativity.
> >
> > I got an 'A' BTW.
> I must say, I am not surprised at your A on this paper. It is very well thought out and written. I had gotten the impression that you were like the many people I know who do not have the background necessary to use good spelling or grammar, although now I see that it is more of a problem I used to have (and sometimes still do) where speed takes precedence over correctness.

Hey thanks, you gave me both a compliment and explained exactly why my posts aren't always shinning examples of the usage of the English language

> clip clip

>One thing I wish to comment on regarding your essay is this: My roommate, who is in his final year of a Philosophy major with an English minor, has often told me that parentheses are an unnecessary piece of punctuation in a properly written work. Instead, he suggests that commas should be used to separate a parenthtical clause from the rest of the sentence, and if this would result in a grammatically incorrect sentence, then the sentence should be re-written.

Well, after writing more papers than I can remember in High School and College, and using parenthesis on a regular basis, I have never heard this before. Not even from my more snooty English teachers.

Speed'thanks again'ball