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Re: Holes
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 13:01:09
In Reply To: Holes posted by Sam on Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 11:53:23:

> Tensions are mounting, and things are getting down to the wire. Obviously we are not about to resolve our differences anytime soon, so I think it's best to lay our cards on the table, so we all know where we stand.
> Unfortunately, I don't know where I stand.
> On the one hand, I like honey dipped doughnuts, both raised and chocolate. On the other, I have a fondness for powdered bavarian creme doughnuts, too, and Boston creme doughnuts -- bavarian creme doughnuts with a chocolate frosted instead of powdered exterior -- are good when I'm feeling more resistant than usual to richness induced headaches.
> Since it's obvious the doughnut hole proponents and the intact doughnut proponents must engage in bloody civil war to resolve their differences, yet I hold stake in both, I hope nobody minds if I wait until everybody else has stated their positions before I choose sides. After that time, I will quite happily choose what looks to be the winning side, renounce any claim to the other, fight valiantly for the good of my newly acquired cause, and hope I don't die. I'm a capitalist, after all, self-interested but not altogether selfish.

Well, I stand firm in the position that I like most kinds of doughnuts(or donuts), disirregardless of their hole-iness(or lack thereof). I only dislike the ones that aren't sweet enough.

Nyper"It's not a bagel! It's supposed to have sugar!"old