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Re: Another box?!?
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Wednesday, October 18, 2000, at 17:27:31
In Reply To: Re: Another box?!? posted by Kaz! on Wednesday, October 18, 2000, at 16:37:46:

> > I played this game with Kaz! once. Out loud. Generally, these took about three hours to get through, and better than a thousand words (most of which we made up). On the other hand, our rules were such monstrosities as:
> > -if the SECOND letter in the word is a VOWEL then the THIRD letter must be a CONSONANT, but if the SECOND letter is a CONSONANT than the LAST letter must be an "S".
> > -the word may not contain any of the letters "r, s, t, l, n, or e", except as the FIRST, LAST, or THIRD letters.
> > -The word must contain, as a component, another English word, OR it must be exactly one syllable long.
> > -The word must contain EXACTLY THREE of the letters in the word "Spacebar" (and any number of other letters).
> Yeah, I remember that....heck, I think that I actually used 2 of the examples mentioned above. Well, at least it was it was a way to pass the time while we were rather starved waiting for some stupid bus to come and pick us up. Those games sometimes took well beyond 3 hours, actually (assuming that we didn't just give up because the event that we were waiting for happened).
> > We got into a pattern of starting the game by asking which of the "words" in the sequence aa, ab, ac, ..., zz were in the box. Then, of course, I got stumped by Kaz!'s next rule, "The word must be an actual English word."
> Really? I though that it was ME who got stumped by YOUR "The word must be an English word" thing. Oh well, I guess that I can take credit for it 8·Þ
> > So, about this guy. Even without the internet, can he sign up on "Ameritrade" and start earning "interest"? Doesn't he need the extra "money" to order "pizza"? And is his computer an "IBM" or a "macintosh"? Or "neither"? An old "Apple" or "TI"? Or maybe one of the el-cheapo web "machines"? Does it have any "Microsoft" software on it?
> Now I was going to try to guess the ins and outs and see if I'm on the right track, but I spent so long that Nyp already answered it! I think I've got an idea, but I think it has to be modified slightly.... So,
> Does he really have any "idea" about how to "improve" his computer? And *gasp* could his computer be an evil "Packard Hell"? And, though he may not have any Microsoft products, what about partnered games like "Age of Empires"? Probably doesn't have "Diablo" or any other "intense" game though. But hey, if he wanted them could he go to "Warez" and "Download" and "hack" them?

No "idea", even though he can "improve" his computer. "Packard Hell"? Also possible. Nope, no "Age of Empires". Correct, no "Diablo" or other "intense" games. He could go to "Warez" and "Download" and "hack", but not those.

> -Ka"I'm probably sitting in the box too..."z!


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