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Re: How lame is this...
Posted By: eric sleator, on host
Date: Tuesday, October 17, 2000, at 23:01:00
In Reply To: How lame is this... posted by Silvercup on Tuesday, October 17, 2000, at 22:28:21:

> > It's not one stupid T-shirt. Each day I see loads of T-shirts, keychains, stickers, and pins that down and trash men and boys. I constantly hear derogatory comments about how every single man is a horrible, dishonest, cheating, lazy, stupid jerk. One girl doing a survey of people for art class (I don't know why) had on her list of questions -- these questions were teacher-approved -- "Why do boys lie?" The only comments I ever hear that are even remotely anti-female come from this one silly kid who is borderline insane (he is a firm believer that The Government Is Out To Get You) and from dopey sitcoms. Sexism isn't one-way, and it's disgusting (I also think "reverse discrimination" as describing discrimination against whites is a terribly stupid phrase, but that's a whole different topic). Maybe it's just a fluke, localized just in my school, but I doubt it. There is such an anti-male atmosphere that I am sickened.
> >
> > -eric sleator
> > Tue 17 Oct A.D. 2000
> Maybe if guys stopped treating women like slabs of steak in a butcher's shop, there wouldn't be such "men trashing". I hate hearing about how hot girls are just because they have large breats or wear tight clothes.
> Maybe women are tired of being repressed by men. Women still typically earn less for the same jobs when compared to salaries of men.
> Maybe you should just move to Arab countries where unmarried women aren't allowed out of their houses without a male relative for an escort. There's NO anti-male propoganda there.
> Sil"sick of this"vercup

I'm not saying that everything's going swell for women. That's not my point at all. My point was that there are a lot of rude generalizations and slurs and things directed towards guys, too. We get a lot of flack, too. I don't like being stereotyped as a sex-driven lying power freak any more than you like being paid less or getting viewed as, as you put it, a slab of steak. I don't think either is right, and they both bother me. Maybe I do tend to notice the anti-male stuff more than the anti-female, but what do you expect? I'm an egocentric, selfish guy with a one-track mind. Ask anyone.

-eric sleator
Tue 17 Oct A.D. 2000

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