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Re: Voice of Doom
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Monday, October 16, 2000, at 06:02:55
In Reply To: Voice of Doom posted by Den-Kara on Sunday, October 15, 2000, at 19:25:49:

> Just a stupid question here, and I have no idea how to word it...
> Hmm...okay, does anyone know the name of the man who talks about the movies advertised before the feature presentation in theaters? (See what I mean? That made no sense.) It's always the same guy and he's like the Stonehenge of the human race...or something like that. Seriously, think about it. People have ideas about who he is, but no one knows what his true purpose is. *Twilight Zone music*
> ~Den-"I'm probably more confused than you are"Kara

That's so weird. That question came up a few days ago on the Home Theater Forum. The man's name is Don LaFontaine. More information (and several tangential ramblings) can be found at the following link (warning for those of you who are faint of heart -- there are curse words used in that discussion).

-Faux "He does both the DRAMA movie and the COMEDY movie trailers" Pas

Link: Who is the guy who does all the voices in the trailers for movies?