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Re: Who would? Dollywood.
Posted By: Pechmial, on host
Date: Friday, September 29, 2000, at 09:32:31
In Reply To: Re: Who would? Dollywood. posted by Howard on Friday, September 29, 2000, at 07:52:01:

> What planet are you all from?

I'm from Minnesota, that's somewhere near the orbit of Pluto in the winter, and the orbit of Venus in the summer (it has a wildly egcentric orbit).

> Dollywood is...Tennessee.

Ohhh...ok...SOUTHERN folk. That explains a lot. I spent 10 days in Georgia once and was struck deeply by the differences in temperment. It was SOOO laid back there I almost slept the whole time(this was RURAL Georgia, too, out by Royston). Still, it was a nice change of pace from the frantic northland.

> It's a different kind of theme park...

Sounds pleasant enough, though I doubt I could handle more than one visit to the place. We tend more towards shopping malls (Mall of America is here) and the rides at parks. Our kind of "rustic" phun is "camping up north!" (which generally involves misquito's and bears).

Pech"up north, eh"mial

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