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Re: Pets
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999, at 09:00:45
In Reply To: Pets posted by Sam on Wednesday, March 31, 1999, at 06:06:21:

> Dogs? Cats? Fish? Iguanas? Chinchillas?
>What do we have for pet people here?

I like dogs, but they take too much work and attention to keep. Cats are more my speed, but I really insist on a specific type of cat. I won't have a pet that won't allow itself to be touched, let alone picked up. I want a cat you can pick up and hold without getting scratched. I want a cat that will jump in your lap and go to sleep when you're sitting on the sofa. Otherwise, I'll just stick to fish. Fish are the ultimate low-maintenance pet. Just feed them once in a while, and clean the tank every so often. When they die, you flush them. Simple.

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