Re: I-35
Grishny, on host
Monday, September 18, 2000, at 17:37:05
Re: I-95 posted by Kelly on Monday, September 18, 2000, at 14:31:50:
> I've always wanted to drive the length of I-35. It runs from Laredo, TX (on the Mexico-US border) all the way to Duluth, Minnesota. > > Maybe someday when I have about 2 weeks to kill... > > Kel"That's kill as in "use up", not kill as in "multi-state spree"ly
That's weird. There's more than one I-35, apparently. The one you're talking about goes north-south. We've got one that goes east-west through Dayton. It continues west into Indiana and then turns north, through Muncie, and up into northern Indiana, terminating somehwere in between South Bend and Gary, I think. It continues east across Ohio into West Virginia. I don't think ours is truly an interstate, but more of a state route that has the same number across several states. But we call it I-35 anyway.