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Re: (slightly off topic)let's get some *more* stuff straight
Posted By: Nyperold, on host
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000, at 13:49:32
In Reply To: let's get some stuff straight here though. posted by shadowfax on Wednesday, September 13, 2000, at 20:51:17:

>Thoroughout history, book (er. . scroll, etc, depending on the technology of the times) has retarded human intellectual growth, often for hundreds of years. A classic example would be the persecution of any scientist who postulated anything that didn't geehaw with the bible. (the earth is round, the earth is not the center of the universe, evolution, etc).

Technically, the first two(the earth is round, the earth is not the center of the universe) only conflict with old pagan(at least, if you're Christian or Jew[including Messianic]) beliefs, not the Bible. It has been argued that evolution doesn't conflict either, but let's not start *that* again. :)

>An old woman recently attacked a friend of mine from karate. She reached out and tried to yank his earring off because she found it morally reprehensible for men to wear earrings.

Ouch. I don't care for it(men wearing earrings) myself, but what she was doing was risking serious injury to him, just so she wouldn't be offended. Odd.
