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Re: What should I do next?
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999, at 10:32:28
In Reply To: Re: What should I do next? posted by Issachar on Monday, March 15, 1999, at 12:57:34:

> I'm pretty sure that Darien is "the" reader, but I'll venture to put forth my vote anyway.

And thus begins "DarienSlam '99!" :-} I'm always enthusiastic when the first line of a message I read contains my name and something in quotes...

>A "your face here" page that allowed you to put Darien's mug atop the shoulders of various characters in _Sinbad of the Seven Seas_ would be endlessly amusing.


(Had to... sorry...) Hey, if you put my mug up there, your screen might shatter. Of course, that would be a god thing 'cause you'd turn to stone otherwise...

>To keep things fair, readers would also be able to put my own grill on top of each character in "Scooby-Doo", of course.

Hmm... "Scooby-Doo" and "The Smurfs" and you've got yerself a deal! (Provided, of course, that there are provisions for putting my face on the "Sailor Moon" characters...)

> Iss "Zoiks!" achar

Dar "After all... I am "Darien"" ien